Hi, I’m Mikey

I’m a mid-twenty something handyman from the Midwest who’s been wrestling with seborrheic dermatitis (sebderm) for about six years. The day-to-day reality of waking up for an early job—face flaking, scalp itching, and having customers stare—has been more than just a minor inconvenience; it’s taken a serious toll on my self-confidence. At first, I thought it was just really bad dandruff creeping onto my face. But after stumbling across a random ad on Instagram, I finally realized I might have an actual condition. Later I discovered it was sebderm. That “ah-ha” moment was both frustrating (why did it take so long to diagnose?) and liberating (at least I knew what I was up against).

Over the years, I’ve thrown everything at my condition: special shampoos, moisturizers, soaps, and supplements. My most consistent success comes from natural treatments like oregano oil, a little Burt’s Bees moisturizer, and basic lifestyle changes—lots of them. For me, maintaining better sleep habits, getting outside, and exercise are just as important as any product for long term prevention. I’m also a skeptic when it comes to mainstream pharmaceuticals. Part of that stems from how the industry was shaped by historical figures like John D. Rockefeller, who shifted medicine toward synthetic, oil based solutions and away from the natural holistic ones that doctors of the time were finding success in. Add to that my own chronic issue called dysautonomia, which I suspect I developed from growing up from the womb through puberty exposed to forever chemicals and heavy metals and it’s easy to see why I have a mistrust for all things synthetic. I believe many people with persistent sebderm may have underlying conditions, and that real, lasting relief often comes from addressing the bigger picture—diet, exercise, environment, mental health.

I created this site because, for a long time, I didn’t even know “sebderm” was an actual thing. And once I found out, I realized the info was scattered across dozens of forums and random articles. No single spot really gave the full scope—what it is, why it’s different for everyone, and how to cope long-term. My goal is to make this the ultimate resource so nobody else has to spend years piecing it all together. If it helps even one person avoid the embarrassment I’ve gone through, that’s worth it. I also plan to offer products and advertise here because I know firsthand how a single ad can spark the realization that your “dandruff” is something else entirely.

Most importantly, I hope this site gives fellow sufferers a sense of community and a roadmap for taking back control of their skin. You’re not alone. Sebderm might be relentless, but with the right knowledge and habits, I believe it can be managed. Whether you’re in the throes of a severe flare-up or just looking for better upkeep, I’m here to share everything I’ve learned—and, hopefully, save you time, pain, and frustration along the way.